Sunday, July 10, 2016

Bike swap at Bruce Gordon's shop !

Yes, remaining Schnozola show bikes will be there on display and for sale. I'll be there to answer questions and sell all sorts of overstock items from my shop so that I can buy food. This will be the largest concentration of Schnozola bikes on display anywhere on the planet-think about it........

Friday, July 1, 2016

50 shades of OY !

This show bike is for sale. I am needing room in the shop so it must go. I did put a new stem, a steel one that I built that raises the handlebars about 1 1/2". This is a good bike for a 5'10" person who doesn't give a crap about brakes. You could put brakes on, though.....there's a hole in the fork and the rear brake bridge of you want to be sensible. Call me at the shop weekdays at (831) 429-8010. I have been riding it a is a lot more fun with the new stem.